Tomorrow morning will be a new day and yet it will be the same as any other day. Most of the time I get caught up in my own ego and keeps me from being. I have been learning to appreciate the mundane of everyday life.
The other day–Friday it was–I was grateful to have been in a relatively peaceful state of mind. The previous day had been gloomy–overcast and sprinkling rain from the afternoon onward. That night the sound of rain hitting the roof lulled me into a tranquil sleep. The next morning (Friday), I noticed the change in atmosphere, no longer sulking in the grievances of the previous day. It wasn’t until the afternoon when the sun was shining high in the sky that I witnessed the most beautiful sights imaginable. The skies were still shrouded in clouds, but they had transformed from an ugly, dull gray to a bright, pure white that contrasted with the deep blue that back dropped them. I was connected to the “one-ness” of it all, of that moment. I was an observer of them and of the empty space between us that connected us; the everything that can be described as the “Now.”
With that there shouldn’t be anything to be afraid of.
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